PhysioWISE Director Thuy Bridges presented at the Australian Physiotherapy Association annual conference on 19th October 2013. At the request of the Animal Physiotherapy group, Thuy presented at a breakfast session highlighting how Kinesio Tape can be utilised to effect changes on both humans and animals. No animals were allowed in the venue, so Thuy had to call upon the humans in the audience to demonstrate the Kinesio Taping techniques! Thanks to Karen (one of the delegates enjoying her breakfast at the time) for donating her rotator cuff issue for Thuy to use as a live demonstration. By taping Karen’s problematic deltoid, Thuy managed to increase her strength and eliminate the pain that Karen was feeling through everyday movements. Elsevier (the international book publishers) then asked Thuy to do some live demonstrations from their stand in the trade show area of the conference and many more physios were able to experience first-hand the sort of results that our loyal PhysioWISE clients receive every...
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