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PhysioWISE Proudly Hosts the Inaugral Australian Fascial Manipulation Course Comments Off on PhysioWISE Proudly Hosts the Inaugral Australian Fascial Manipulation Course

PhysioWISE Proudly Hosts the Inaugral Australian Fascial Manipulation Course

  Fascial Manipulation is a technique developed by Luigi Stecco, an Italian physiotherapist, over a course of 35 years. Previous to 2013, therapists had to travel overseas to access training. In May 2013, PhysioWISE hosted the Inaugral Australian Fascial Manipulation course over 6 days which was attended by Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Doctors and Massage Therapists from all over Australia. The event was such a success, there is already a waiting list for the Sydney and Melbourne courses planned for March 2014.  ...

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